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Mahodand Lake Travel Guide

Lake Mahodand
Mahodand Lake is situated in the Hindu Kush range of mountains at an elevation of 9,400 feet (2,850 metres) and spreads over two kilo metres by length approximately. It took us around three hours to cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilo metres from Kalam to the lake.
In June 2013 , I took my friend  trip to Mahodand Lake, which is about 40 kilometres from Kalam in the Ushu Valley of the Swat District, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa . We stayed in Kalam Hotel which provided an aerial view of the beautiful  valley.
Route to Mahodand Lake
3 Hours drive from Kalam only by 4 Wheel Drive
Kalam to Ushu
We started our journey early morning by road in a jeep, and after crossing the  Kalam Forest, we had our first stop in Usho. There are some Hotels in the area which provide an excellent view of the valley. Not only are the gushing streams merely a sight for the tourists and its inhabitants, but it’s also a resource for producing electricity for the locals

Kalam Forest

Bird eye view of Kalam forest Swat

Behrain Swat

Kalam River in Winter

Usho to Matiltan
On our way, we crossed many nomads with their herd traveling deep into the valley, and most of the times, we had to stop and wait for the road to clear up. This is a usual sight for the locals residing there; however, this would surprise most of us visiting from the metropolitan. After crossing Matiltan, we stopped at Mahi Banal, one of the most picturesque places on our way to Mahodand Lake.
Ushu Valley,Swat, KPK, Pakistan
Matitan to Mighty Falls
After further travelling for about half an hour, we ended up at the Mighty falls, another popular tourist spot. The picture below cannot even justify the beauty this piece of land holds. During summers, these falls transform into an extraordinary wonder that will remain etched in your mind forever. Up until we reached Mahodand Lake, we came across local shopkeepers selling cold drinks and other eatables. We stayed here for 15 to 20 minutes, took some pictures and then moved on to our next stop.
Water Fall in Ushu
The overwhelming beauty was unfolding with every mile we crossed. But that is not all what this heaven on earth had to offer. We found ourselves in front of another majestic view that took our breath away when we stopped by the road to capture its spectacular scenery. It then occurred to me that even a momentary pause can deliver what you cannot find in a life time.
After traveling for another half an hour approximately, we reached a place called Chashma-e-Shifa. Locals believe that water flowing into this stream is a cure for any disease. We stayed here for some time while soaking in the beauty of the surrounding area.
When visiting Swat Valley, one cannot omit to see Mount Falak Ser, the highest mountain of the valley with a height of 19,416 feet (5,918 metres). It was quite an experience laying my eyes on this distinct gigantic snow-covered mountain which can be viewed from the lush green Ushu Valley.
Since Mahodand Lake is not far from Mount Falak Ser, it took us about 15 to 20 minutes to reach our destination.  But distance and time are not the factors which defined our feelings before reaching the lake. With a combination of excitement and happiness, we reached the lake, and amazed by the mesmerising view, we were left speechless. After the beauty of this wonder had finally sunk in, with cheerful sentiments, we proceeded towards Mahodand Lake tourist spot.
Boating at Mahodand Lake
We spent quite some time discovering the lake and then decided to hire a boat to cross the lake to reach an island at a distance of 50 metres approximately. Deforestation was quite evident and needs attention of concerned authorities in order to improve and attract local tourism
As the sun set, we were bound to fly back to our nests, regardless of our strong urge to stay longer. With great resignation, we departed from the lake, leaving with memories of the experience we had.
If you are planning a trip with your family, Mahodand Lake should definitely be your next destination. It will be an experience worth your time and will increase your appreciation for the beauty this country holds tenfold.
Video Travel Guide Mahodand Lake Of Kalam Swat Valley Pakistan

Changes That Show The Revolutionary Progress in KPK, Naya Pakistan

Changes That Show The Revolutionary Progress in KPK, Naya Pakistan Since the new governance took charge of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, everything has started to go well for the province and its people.
The change brought in has taken the once demoralized part of Pakistan to the newest heights and made it much friendlier for its people. Yes, Naya Pakistan in KPK has made life easier.
Here’s a list of the positives brought in by KPK’s Naya Pakistan movement that other provinces surely need to follow!
1. Implementation of the ‘Right To Information’ bill in KPK

1. Implementation of the ‘Right To Information’ bill in KPK

2. The vast promotion of industrialization to make KPK a hub

2. The vast promotion of industrialization to make KPK a hub

3. Electrical energy generation from gas, starting up to 300 megawatts

3. Electrical energy generation from gas, starting up to 300 megawatts4. The easy to use police-to-victim-service, for the darkest hour of trouble

4. The easy to use police-to-victim-service, for the darkest hour of trouble

5. In KPK, you can now launch an online FIR instead of going to the police station

5. In KPK, you can now launch an online FIR instead of going to the police station

6. Eccentric women developments, including fields like police and medicine

6. Eccentric women developments, including fields like police and medicine

7. KPK introduces Justice On Wheels with mobile courts

7. KPK introduces Justice On Wheels with mobile courts

8. The launch of retraction on drug habits through proper rehabilitation means
8. The launch of retraction on drug habits through proper rehabilitation means
9. KPK’s law enforcement capability enhancement has the province much safer
9. KPK’s law enforcement capability enhancement has the province much safer
10. Smart Cards for pensioners of KPK Government
10. Smart Cards for pensioners of KPK Government
11. First ‘Mobile Health Service Van’ for rural areas
11. First ‘Mobile Health Service Van’ for rural areas
12. Accountability, establishment of Ehtesaab Cell for the whole of KPK
12. Accountability, establishment of Ehtesaab Cell for the whole of KPK
13. Encouraging agriculture in KPK through new and proper means
13. Encouraging agriculture in KPK through new and proper means
14. Independent Police – separation of police from political parties and politicians.
14. Independent Police – separation of police from political parties and politicians.
15. Independent NAB – separation of (National Accountability Bureau) from ruling political party and ruling politicians
15. Independent NAB – separation of (National Accountability Bureau) from ruling political party and ruling politicians
16. Sehat ka Insaf program – a success already!

16. Sehat ka Insaf program – a success already!
So, do you think that Naya Pakistan is actually all that it promised to be?

The Beautiful People of Kalash Valley

The Kalash Valley (Kalasha-mondr: Kaĺaśa Desh) are valleys in Chitral District in northern Pakistan. They are inhabited by the Kalash Valley people, who have customs and language which are quite different from their neighbours, and historically have had a different religion. There are three main valleys.The most immensely colossal and most populous valley is Bumburet (Mumuret), reached by a road from Ayun in the Kunar Valley. Rumbur and Acholgah are side valleys north of Bumburet. The third valley, Biriu (Birir), is s side valley of the Kunar Valley south of Bumburet.

Brir lies at the southern most tip of Chitral at a distance of 34 km (21 miles) and is easily accessible by jeep-able road via Ayun. It is especially ideal for those not used to trekking.
The largest and the most picturesque  of the Kafir Kalash Valley , is 36 km.(22 miles) from Chitral and is connected by a jeep-able road.

Rambur is 32 km (20 miles) from Chitral, the road is jeep-able. Foreign tourists require permits for visiting the Kalash valley. Permits are issued free of cost by the Deputy Commissioner, Chitral, Tel: 1. Foreign visitors have to pay a toll tax of Rs.10 per person while Re. 1.00 per person is charged from domestic tourists.

These valleys have an alpine climate. The people inhabiting these valleys are the primitive pagan tribes of Pakistan, who are known as Kafir Kalash, which means the wearers of the black robes. Their origin is cloaked in controversy. A legend says that soldiers from the legions of the Macedonian conqueror, Alexander, settled in Chitral and are the progenitors of the Kalash Valley.
They live in small villages built on the hillsides near the banks of streams. Their houses are constructed of rough-hewn logs and are double storeyed because of the steepness of the slopes. Kalash Valle yare very lively people and are famous for their lively religious festivals namely: Chilimjusht (spring), Phool (September) and Chowas (from 21st December for a week). The Kalash Valley people  love music and their instruments are drums and flutes. Their colorful dances impart a feeling of peace, joy and contentment. If you join them in their dance, they interpret it as a sign friendship and will open their hearts to you and reveal some of their mysteries, their joys and sorrows. You depart with a sense of poignancy and nostalgia for these beautiful children of nature and nagging fear that all the sweetness and innocence may soon be swept away forever by the power and intolerance that often hide themselves under the banner of progress

Kalash Girls in Tradional Dress
Elevation: 1670-2309 meters (5,476-7,576 feet).



Distance: 32-36km. (20-22 miles) south of Chitral.
By jeep: 2 ½ hours
