Tag Archive | Swat

Mahodand Lake Travel Guide

Lake Mahodand
Mahodand Lake is situated in the Hindu Kush range of mountains at an elevation of 9,400 feet (2,850 metres) and spreads over two kilo metres by length approximately. It took us around three hours to cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilo metres from Kalam to the lake.
In June 2013 , I took my friend  trip to Mahodand Lake, which is about 40 kilometres from Kalam in the Ushu Valley of the Swat District, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa . We stayed in Kalam Hotel which provided an aerial view of the beautiful  valley.
Route to Mahodand Lake
3 Hours drive from Kalam only by 4 Wheel Drive
Kalam to Ushu
We started our journey early morning by road in a jeep, and after crossing the  Kalam Forest, we had our first stop in Usho. There are some Hotels in the area which provide an excellent view of the valley. Not only are the gushing streams merely a sight for the tourists and its inhabitants, but it’s also a resource for producing electricity for the locals

Kalam Forest

Bird eye view of Kalam forest Swat

Behrain Swat

Kalam River in Winter

Usho to Matiltan
On our way, we crossed many nomads with their herd traveling deep into the valley, and most of the times, we had to stop and wait for the road to clear up. This is a usual sight for the locals residing there; however, this would surprise most of us visiting from the metropolitan. After crossing Matiltan, we stopped at Mahi Banal, one of the most picturesque places on our way to Mahodand Lake.
Ushu Valley,Swat, KPK, Pakistan
Matitan to Mighty Falls
After further travelling for about half an hour, we ended up at the Mighty falls, another popular tourist spot. The picture below cannot even justify the beauty this piece of land holds. During summers, these falls transform into an extraordinary wonder that will remain etched in your mind forever. Up until we reached Mahodand Lake, we came across local shopkeepers selling cold drinks and other eatables. We stayed here for 15 to 20 minutes, took some pictures and then moved on to our next stop.
Water Fall in Ushu
The overwhelming beauty was unfolding with every mile we crossed. But that is not all what this heaven on earth had to offer. We found ourselves in front of another majestic view that took our breath away when we stopped by the road to capture its spectacular scenery. It then occurred to me that even a momentary pause can deliver what you cannot find in a life time.
After traveling for another half an hour approximately, we reached a place called Chashma-e-Shifa. Locals believe that water flowing into this stream is a cure for any disease. We stayed here for some time while soaking in the beauty of the surrounding area.
When visiting Swat Valley, one cannot omit to see Mount Falak Ser, the highest mountain of the valley with a height of 19,416 feet (5,918 metres). It was quite an experience laying my eyes on this distinct gigantic snow-covered mountain which can be viewed from the lush green Ushu Valley.
Since Mahodand Lake is not far from Mount Falak Ser, it took us about 15 to 20 minutes to reach our destination.  But distance and time are not the factors which defined our feelings before reaching the lake. With a combination of excitement and happiness, we reached the lake, and amazed by the mesmerising view, we were left speechless. After the beauty of this wonder had finally sunk in, with cheerful sentiments, we proceeded towards Mahodand Lake tourist spot.
Boating at Mahodand Lake
We spent quite some time discovering the lake and then decided to hire a boat to cross the lake to reach an island at a distance of 50 metres approximately. Deforestation was quite evident and needs attention of concerned authorities in order to improve and attract local tourism
As the sun set, we were bound to fly back to our nests, regardless of our strong urge to stay longer. With great resignation, we departed from the lake, leaving with memories of the experience we had.
If you are planning a trip with your family, Mahodand Lake should definitely be your next destination. It will be an experience worth your time and will increase your appreciation for the beauty this country holds tenfold.
Video Travel Guide Mahodand Lake Of Kalam Swat Valley Pakistan

Top 10 Astonishing Pictures from Pakistan

Top 10 Astonishing Pictures from Pakistan
Natural beauty is un matched. Pakistan have world most resplendent places for visit, specially at its best in northern areas of Pakistan and Kashmir region. This component of the country is famous all around the world because of welkin high mountains, lush green valleys, mighty rivers, pulchritudinous lakes, and astounding wildlife.
1. Neelum Valley
Title Neelum-Valley-Azad-Kashmir-300x200
Neelam Valley is a 144 km long bow-shaped valley in Azad Kashmir Region. The Valley is situated at the North & North-East of Muzaffarabad (The Capital of Azad Kashmir). Running through the Lesser Himalaya, the Neelam River valley has excellent scenic comeliness, panoramic views, towering hills on both sides of the strepitous Neelum river, lush green forests, enchanting streams and captivating circumventions make the valley a dream come true.
2.Gilgit Valley
Gilgit, 10 km from the Karakoram Highway in the northern frontier of Pakistan, is circumvented by mountains with glaciers, frozen dihydrogen monoxide fields, and valleys. The resplendent Gilgit River runs through the city and soaring above Gilgit is breathtaking Mount Rakaposhi with an altitude of 7,788m.
Peregrinating further north and north east in the province of Gilgit, on the KKH, takes us to the famous Hunza, beyond the Muztagh and Karakoram ranges, we move onward to the borders of China, and determinately to the Chinese cities of Tashkurgan, upal, andKashgar in Xinjiang. Gilgit is only 20km from the charming diminutive village of Parri Bangla on the Karakoram Highway, and Chhamoghar a more immensely colossal village east of Parri Bangla and 15km from Gilgit.
3.Hunza Valley
Hunza is nestled in a valley circumvented by snow covered peaks, over 7000 feet in altitude. This is the first town you will enter emanating from China on the Karakoram Highway. Here you can view Rakaposhi where there is a PTDC motel and several minute hotels
4.Skardu Valley
Skardu Valley is 7,500 feet above sea level in Balistan. Skardu Valley  is a great place to mountain trek and a fishermen’s dream come true with an abundant stock of wild fresh water trout to catch with a backdrop of the great apexes of the Karakoram mountain range to relish.
S.M.Bukhari’s Photography in Skardu Valley
Shangrila Resort Skardu
5.Swat Valley



Swat is a valley and an administrative district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. It is the upper valley of the Swat River, which rises in the Hindu Kush range. The capital of Swat is Saidu Sharif, but the main town in the Swat valley is Mingora.
It was a princely state in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa until it was dissolved in 1969 along with many other princely states like Dir state and Chitral state. The valley is populated mostly by ethnic Pashtuns and Gujjar and Kohistani communities. The languages spoken in the valley are Pashto , Gojri, Torwali and Kohistani. Most non-Pashtoon people of the area are bilingual and fluent in Pashto along with their native languages. Throughout the district, there is a less tendency of ethnic discrimination and all of the inhabitants of Swat refer to themselves as Pashtoon irrespective of the communities they belong to.With high mountains, green meadows, and clear lakes, it is a place of great natural beauty and is popular with tourists. Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to the The Yusafzai State of Swat called it “the Switzerland of the east.Swat is surrounded by Chitral, Upper Dir and Lower Dir in the West, Gilgit-Baltistan in North And Kohistan, Buner and Shangla in the East and south East.
6.Phandar Valley
Phandar Valley111
Phander Valley in Ghizer District is one of the most scenic valleys with easy access both from Gilgit and Chitral. It takes 5 to 6 hours from Gilgit to reach Phander valley which is commonly called “Little Kashmir”. Phander Lake is one of the most famous tourist spots in the entire region. Phander valley was the bread basket for the whole Northern Areas. The name of Ghizer comes from the name of a village ‘Ghizer’ that is situated in the vicinity of Phander. The deep blue lake in Phander offers a magnificent view and is basically the home of trout fish.
7.Kalash Valley
Kalash Valley is a group of three small valleys: Brir, Bumburet and Rambur. Brir lies at the southern most tip of Chitral at a distance of 34 km (21 miles) and is easily accessible by jeep-able road via Ayun. It is especially ideal for those not used to trekking. Bumburet, the largest and the most picturesque valley of the Kafir Kalash, is 36 km.(22 miles) from Chitral and is connected by a jeep-able road.
8.Gupis Valley
Gupis Valley1
Gupis Valley is located about 112 kilometers (70 miles) in west of Gilgit on the bank of River Gilgit, in District Ghizer of Gilgit-Baltistan region, Pakistan. The 35 kilometers (22 miles) road between Gahkuch (capital of District Ghizer) and Gupis Valley is full of beautiful landscapes and breathtaking views. The turquoise water of river flowing along the road and surrounding fields and forests presents are very charming for tourists.
9.Kaghan Valley
Kaghan Valley is nestled in the heart of mountainous Himalayas, located in the Northwestern Frontier Province. Here you find unforgettable natural wonders like glaciers, waterfalls, and enchanting Saiful Maluk Lake.
10.Leepa Valley
Leepa Valley in Winter
This is the most fascinating valley in Azad Kashmir. A fair-weather road branches off for Leepa from Naile 45 kilometers from Muzaffarabad, climbs over Reshian Gali 3200 meters high and then descends to 1677 meters on the other side into the Leepa Valley .It spells bounds everyone who visits this valley.
This valley remains open for the domestic tourists only from May to November.